Anyway, he's really fine with his toes taped together. He walks through the house with a Ka-Thump that just scared me- he sounds like a pirate with a peg leg coming through the house. Not a lot of pirates in Perrysburg this time of year.
Thomas Jefferson once said, "I had rather be shut up in a very modest cottage with my books, my family and a few old friends, dining on simple bacon, and letting the world roll on as it liked, than to occupy the most splendid post, which any human power can give. "
Me, on the other hand? I make EVERY EXCUSE I can think of to avoid stopping-
Last trip, I tried these excuses and a few others, but after years of excuses I buckled under the pressure and stopped in to make a purchase. I had the bacon people cryovac the bacon and I wrapped it in multiple paper bags before stashing it in the cold recesses of my trunk for the trip home.
My trunk still smells like stinky bacon.
And now, so does my kitchen.
But now, drumroll, I got a shiny, brand-spankin' new rice cooker for Christmas. The dragon could be retired!
But who ever throws anything away? Even something that doesn't work? My brother and his wife were lucky enough to spend the holiday with us and they are now the proud owners of the dragon masquerading, steaming water spewing, rice starchy nightmare mess that was our rice cooker.
Tim did nothing to help with the gifting of the cooker- in fact he nearly derailed it. He tried to tell the rice cooking tale of woe, but I glossed it over like nothing had ever happened and the rice cooker was packed away and is now safely on its way to Georgia. I think it's humid enough there that they might not notice the spewing.
In case you want to buy a rice cooker, there's lots of advice out there to help you avoid a nightmare dragon purchase. I even found a blog devoted to picking your rice cooker. How lucky is that?
No one is thinking about you, because they are too busy thinking about themselves.