Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Hey there Unc. A year ago you took your leave and left us with some fabulous memories, a blue van, a car or two, a boat keel, a fondness for Alaska and a lot of sailing trophies.

We're all doing ok, but I'm sure you know that. Grandpa's new knee is amazing and Grandma is taking prisoners at bridge games in Florida. Alex just turned 6 and Elena is the baby you never met. Aubrey sounds like Katharine Hepburn and A&P are as tall as me and want to be Eagle Scouts.

We miss you.

I imagine you dipping into the waves of the Pacific and swirling the ice crystals in the snow fields of Mount Healy. Your laugh still rings in my ears and I love your smile, wherever you are. A soul like yours surely found a place to stop and rest.

I'd love to see you swagger into Grandma's kitchen on Chinqapin Way with a Budweiser in your hand. You're wearing your jeans and your stocking feet and you're smiling because you just posted the lottery ticket odds on the bulletin board in the hall. I haven't had a lottery ticket since the last Christmas you bought us all a piece of the action.

Losing you broke our hearts. You're still there though, at the edge of my thoughts and pushing me to wring life out of every single day I have. When you left you slipped into the sky, silent on owl wings, above your cabin, the mountains, the lake and became a part of the landscape of the place you loved most.

So here's to you Unc. I have your picture with Linda, Carolyn and Stuart on the fireplace. It was a beautiful day in August in Alaska when they came to visit you. You are all radiant, full of life and there you will remain in my thoughts for always.


Anonymous said...

Very thoughtful and touching. Thank you for the remembrance. Steve will always be in our hearts.


Sparky said...

Even though I've kinda come into the middle of the conversation called life, I can feel for ya losing someone close like that. Gosh, it hurts. I know. And your Uncle sounds like he was such a great guy (wonderful complimentary photo of him, by the way). I could feel his warmth and charm through your loving words. So sorry for your 'loss' but look upon it as Heaven's gain.
God bless pal and a special ((hug)) for today. ♥ ∞

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

What a lovely man and your post just really brought him into the room with us, even though we never met. I send my sympathy and warm thoughts of remembrance your way...

Teri and the cats of Furrydance

Cynthia Pittmann said...

What a beautiful tribute. I especially loved the concluding lines:
When you left you slipped into the sky, silent on owl wings, above your cabin, the mountains, the lake and became a part of the landscape of the place you loved most.

Anonymous said...

Beautifully written. Thanks for remembering him so thoughtfully.

Cathy and Matt

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the remembrance and tribute. He is unforgettable. Such a sneaky, teasing sparkle and chuckle in his eyes. And he got such a kick out of you.


Anonymous said...

beautifully put.

Unknown said...

Ya, unc was a good unc.

Down on the Indiana Farm said...

What a wonderful tribute to our brother Steve. It does not seem like one year ago. While spending all the time handling his affairs in Alaska last year we went through many memories with old friends of both his and ours. We have shared this memorial with many whom we are connected with in AK and all thank you for this wonderful tribute.
David & Linda